Block Shares

Block Shares
3654149 3654187 3654189 3654196 3654213 3654239 3654246 3654255 3654316 3654317 3654318 3654330 3654357 3654368 3654378 3654426 3654428 3654446 3654448 3654453
Expected 436 483 503 524 540 492 473 455 320 333 347 377 445 463 523 591 568 505 486 486
Actual 173 1198 32 190 555 962 292 360 1476 16 109 400 435 221 468 1172 189 711 39 267
Average 712 716 689 597 563 532 539 503 647 525 519 439 480 483 474 495 485 520 376 401

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,715,429 136404 136361 43 0.2959 165287167 166342006 100.64% 34622988.82937 7.95%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 11 11 0 0.0758 3414 4768 139.66% 2750.00821758 1.91%
Last 7 Days 4,032 87 87 0 0.0951 33878 34657 102.30% 21750.00986286 2.16%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 386 386 0 0.0875 138315 132293 95.65% 96500.06382209 2.39%
Last 12 Month 193,536 10716 10716 0 0.0466 2045514 2046589 100.05% 2679001.3655 5.54%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3654453 Confirmed anonymous 07/02 03:39:58 (UTC) 0.12 250.000151 486 267 54.94
3654448 Confirmed anonymous 07/02 02:26:43 (UTC) 0.12 250.000000 486 39 8.02
3654446 Confirmed anonymous 07/02 02:16:29 (UTC) 0.12 250.000000 505 711 140.79
3654428 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 22:56:31 (UTC) 0.14 250.000000 568 189 33.27
3654426 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 21:57:59 (UTC) 0.14 250.000000 591 1,172 198.31
3654378 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 15:27:29 (UTC) 0.13 250.000075 523 468 89.48
3654368 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 12:55:12 (UTC) 0.11 250.000000 463 221 47.73
3654357 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 11:47:52 (UTC) 0.11 250.000000 445 435 97.75
3654330 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 09:28:31 (UTC) 0.09 250.000000 377 400 106.10
3654318 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 07:21:24 (UTC) 0.08 250.000276 347 109 31.41
3654317 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 06:47:45 (UTC) 0.08 250.000086 333 16 4.80
3654316 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 06:42:08 (UTC) 0.08 250.000075 320 1,476 461.25
3654255 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 22:24:21 (UTC) 0.11 250.000000 455 360 79.12
3654246 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 20:20:11 (UTC) 0.12 250.000000 473 292 61.73
3654239 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 18:39:00 (UTC) 0.12 250.000000 492 962 195.53
3654213 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 13:01:33 (UTC) 0.13 250.000000 540 555 102.78
3654196 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 09:55:42 (UTC) 0.13 250.000075 524 190 36.26
3654189 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 08:59:15 (UTC) 0.12 250.000000 503 32 6.36
3654187 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 08:49:55 (UTC) 0.12 250.000000 483 1,198 248.03
3654149 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 02:49:35 (UTC) 0.11 250.000000 436 173 39.68
Totals 9,350 9,265 99.09
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.