Block Shares

Block Shares
2488521 2488549 2488586 2488595 2488650 2488675 2488705 2488728 2488781 2488800 2488822 2488835 2488851 2488915 2488919 2488934 2488973 2488992 2488997 2489008
Expected 1723 2389 2489 2301 1749 1624 2417 2518 2421 2238 2152 2069 1701 1753 1621 1332 1874 2063 1908 1631
Actual 378 1663 5141 863 8517 2578 3502 3474 3364 2241 1139 5139 4698 22107 2680 4090 8579 5387 1644 2928
Average 3852 3606 3483 3181 3096 2984 3104 2748 3048 3172 3248 3596 3552 5676 5092 5243 5751 5942 5770 5839

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,553,404 128638 128595 43 0.3108 163703987 164756439 100.64% 32681487.556371 8.28%
Last Hour 24 2 2 0 0.0415 340 378 111.18% 500 8.33%
Last 24 Hours 576 64 64 0 0.0356 9322 9953 106.77% 16000.00077967 11.11%
Last 7 Days 4,032 391 391 0 0.0378 60489 58214 96.24% 97750.00527133 9.70%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 1359 1359 0 0.0391 217422 212997 97.96% 339750.03411955 8.43%
Last 12 Month 193,536 15760 15758 2 0.0527 3399857 3425380 100.75% 3939504.0697905 8.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2489008 Confirmed mike2007 17/07 05:17:05 (UTC) 0.40 250.000164 1,631 2,928 179.52
2488997 Confirmed anonymous 17/07 05:04:07 (UTC) 0.47 250.000104 1,908 1,644 86.16
2488992 Confirmed anonymous 17/07 04:53:29 (UTC) 0.50 250.000000 2,063 5,387 261.12
2488973 Confirmed mike2007 17/07 04:28:13 (UTC) 0.46 250.000000 1,874 8,579 457.79
2488934 Confirmed anonymous 17/07 03:47:26 (UTC) 0.33 250.000000 1,332 4,090 307.06
2488919 Confirmed anonymous 17/07 03:29:39 (UTC) 0.40 250.000000 1,621 2,680 165.33
2488915 Confirmed patinhofeio 17/07 03:16:27 (UTC) 0.43 250.000000 1,753 22,107 1,261.10
2488851 Confirmed anonymous 17/07 01:30:22 (UTC) 0.42 250.000000 1,701 4,698 276.19
2488835 Confirmed anonymous 17/07 01:09:17 (UTC) 0.51 250.000150 2,069 5,139 248.38
2488822 Confirmed anonymous 17/07 00:26:09 (UTC) 0.53 250.000000 2,152 1,139 52.93
2488800 Confirmed anonymous 17/07 00:03:27 (UTC) 0.55 250.000136 2,238 2,241 100.13
2488781 Confirmed ra4fmb 16/07 23:17:00 (UTC) 0.59 250.000240 2,421 3,364 138.95
2488728 Confirmed anonymous 16/07 22:07:31 (UTC) 0.61 250.000000 2,518 3,474 137.97
2488705 Confirmed anonymous 16/07 21:14:34 (UTC) 0.59 250.000000 2,417 3,502 144.89
2488675 Confirmed anonymous 16/07 20:23:32 (UTC) 0.40 250.000000 1,624 2,578 158.74
2488650 Confirmed anonymous 16/07 19:44:31 (UTC) 0.43 250.000000 1,749 8,517 486.96
2488595 Confirmed kancutbasah 16/07 17:45:06 (UTC) 0.56 250.000313 2,301 863 37.51
2488586 Confirmed anonymous 16/07 17:27:50 (UTC) 0.61 250.000000 2,489 5,141 206.55
2488549 Confirmed anonymous 16/07 16:11:21 (UTC) 0.58 250.000000 2,389 1,663 69.61
2488521 Confirmed anonymous 16/07 15:47:19 (UTC) 0.42 250.000000 1,723 378 21.94
Totals 39,973 90,112 225.43
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.