Block Shares

Block Shares
3007585 3007615 3007625 3007643 3007672 3007685 3007687 3007731 3007795 3007805 3007806 3007809 3007812 3007818 3007829 3007848 3007855 3007863 3007897 3007911
Expected 1678 1748 1680 1436 1281 1390 1448 1927 1769 1573 1512 1398 1344 1293 1522 1588 1553 1380 1493 1436
Actual 268 2615 874 944 2242 428 304 3683 6094 1215 184 305 147 734 1095 2238 305 898 2974 685
Average 1043 1195 1106 1099 1270 1046 958 1325 1869 1867 1858 1627 1555 1534 1419 1600 1600 1322 1010 957

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,560,636 129277 129234 43 0.3094 163784879 164841359 100.65% 32841237.615692 8.28%
Last Hour 24 1 1 0 0.0213 87 316 363.22% 250 4.17%
Last 24 Hours 576 50 50 0 0.0247 5061 5576 110.18% 12500.00038872 8.68%
Last 7 Days 4,032 371 371 0 0.0276 41994 42958 102.30% 92750.02810949 9.20%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 1376 1376 0 0.0360 203100 205965 101.41% 344000.07285847 8.53%
Last 12 Month 193,536 16013 16011 2 0.0507 3323038 3348218 100.76% 4002754.1237661 8.27%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3007911 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 00:09:26 (UTC) 0.35 250.000000 1,436 685 47.70
3007897 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 23:49:32 (UTC) 0.36 250.000000 1,493 2,974 199.20
3007863 Confirmed eldiablo 13/02 22:25:04 (UTC) 0.34 250.000000 1,380 898 65.07
3007855 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 21:59:42 (UTC) 0.38 250.000000 1,553 305 19.64
3007848 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 21:51:19 (UTC) 0.39 250.000000 1,588 2,238 140.93
3007829 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 20:48:38 (UTC) 0.37 250.000315 1,522 1,095 71.94
3007818 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 20:17:17 (UTC) 0.32 250.001387 1,293 734 56.77
3007812 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 19:57:12 (UTC) 0.33 250.000000 1,344 147 10.94
3007809 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 19:52:54 (UTC) 0.34 250.000000 1,398 305 21.82
3007806 Confirmed eldiablo 13/02 19:43:44 (UTC) 0.37 250.000512 1,512 184 12.17
3007805 Confirmed kimhmg 13/02 19:38:24 (UTC) 0.38 250.000000 1,573 1,215 77.24
3007795 Confirmed MrWaste1234 13/02 19:04:11 (UTC) 0.43 250.000000 1,769 6,094 344.49
3007731 Confirmed dmelo 13/02 16:07:06 (UTC) 0.47 250.076733 1,927 3,683 191.13
3007687 Confirmed eldiablo 13/02 14:22:25 (UTC) 0.35 250.000000 1,448 304 20.99
3007685 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 14:13:44 (UTC) 0.34 250.000000 1,390 428 30.79
3007672 Confirmed eldiablo 13/02 14:01:01 (UTC) 0.31 250.000000 1,281 2,242 175.02
3007643 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 12:56:33 (UTC) 0.35 250.000000 1,436 944 65.74
3007625 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 12:28:17 (UTC) 0.41 250.000034 1,680 874 52.02
3007615 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 12:02:59 (UTC) 0.43 250.000000 1,748 2,615 149.60
3007585 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 10:48:20 (UTC) 0.41 250.000000 1,678 268 15.97
Totals 30,449 28,232 92.72
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.