Block Shares

Block Shares
3230478 3230479 3230513 3230519 3230542 3230556 3230580 3230634 3230648 3230657 3230662 3230713 3230715 3230725 3230734 3230787 3230795 3230813 3230815 3230830
Expected 3498 3644 3954 3802 3005 3015 3549 3640 3553 3707 4023 4029 3874 3725 3582 2420 2626 2630 2740 2361
Actual 349 289 6820 1006 4090 1730 4673 6509 3397 1465 1422 11354 215 3033 2386 7690 2339 3756 412 2552
Average 1305 1279 1837 1904 2004 2058 2117 2731 2904 3033 3140 4247 3586 3789 3618 4214 3981 3706 3407 3516

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,560,868 129294 129251 43 0.3094 163786638 164843449 100.65% 32845487.615824 8.28%
Last Hour 24 3 3 0 0.0208 256 432 168.75% 750 12.50%
Last 24 Hours 576 49 49 0 0.0230 4614 5309 115.06% 12250.00040355 8.51%
Last 7 Days 4,032 370 370 0 0.0276 41891 42831 102.24% 92500.02807895 9.18%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 1389 1389 0 0.0355 201903 203499 100.79% 347250.07298998 8.61%
Last 12 Month 193,536 16013 16011 2 0.0506 3319787 3345217 100.77% 4002754.1238164 8.27%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3230830 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 15:19:56 (UTC) 0.58 250.000000 2,361 2,552 108.09
3230815 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 14:43:35 (UTC) 0.67 250.000000 2,740 412 15.04
3230813 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 14:37:46 (UTC) 0.64 250.000000 2,630 3,756 142.81
3230795 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 13:45:26 (UTC) 0.64 250.000000 2,626 2,339 89.07
3230787 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 13:12:21 (UTC) 0.59 250.000401 2,420 7,690 317.77
3230734 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 11:25:08 (UTC) 0.87 250.000034 3,582 2,386 66.61
3230725 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 10:52:02 (UTC) 0.91 250.000167 3,725 3,033 81.42
3230715 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 10:08:32 (UTC) 0.95 250.000000 3,874 215 5.55
3230713 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 10:05:26 (UTC) 0.98 250.000000 4,029 11,354 281.81
3230662 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 07:28:05 (UTC) 0.98 250.000000 4,023 1,422 35.35
3230657 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 07:08:31 (UTC) 0.91 250.000000 3,707 1,465 39.52
3230648 Confirmed Roky0228 07/04 06:48:41 (UTC) 0.87 250.000034 3,553 3,397 95.61
3230634 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 06:02:09 (UTC) 0.89 250.000052 3,640 6,509 178.82
3230580 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 04:32:49 (UTC) 0.87 250.000421 3,549 4,673 131.67
3230556 Confirmed xyuuak 07/04 03:28:35 (UTC) 0.74 250.000034 3,015 1,730 57.38
3230542 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 03:04:17 (UTC) 0.73 250.000000 3,005 4,090 136.11
3230519 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 02:07:20 (UTC) 0.93 250.000000 3,802 1,006 26.46
3230513 Confirmed kimhmg 07/04 01:53:30 (UTC) 0.97 250.000391 3,954 6,820 172.48
3230479 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 00:20:34 (UTC) 0.89 250.000027 3,644 289 7.93
3230478 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 00:16:35 (UTC) 0.85 250.001844 3,498 349 9.98
Totals 67,377 65,487 97.19
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.