Block Shares

Block Shares
3234143 3234145 3234154 3234194 3234217 3234223 3234293 3234312 3234320 3234341 3234368 3234416 3234460 3234474 3234479 3234518 3234553 3234581 3234586 3234592
Expected 3429 3298 3171 2317 2146 2328 3243 2563 2465 2027 2121 3063 4129 3818 3671 3148 3570 2821 2608 2544
Actual 964 178 1429 6608 2547 795 11704 6044 2169 2947 3037 6353 8525 3856 845 5235 7197 3497 204 1333
Average 4812 4105 3639 4073 4275 4161 4234 4206 4253 3539 3746 4363 5073 4798 4628 5072 4621 4366 4170 4008

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,552,380 128540 128497 43 0.3110 163688867 164740257 100.64% 32656987.55531 8.28%
Last Hour 24 2 2 0 0.0321 263 309 117.49% 500 8.33%
Last 24 Hours 576 61 61 0 0.0342 8536 8396 98.36% 15250.00080471 10.59%
Last 7 Days 4,032 400 400 0 0.0362 59350 55571 93.63% 100000.0067508 9.92%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 1371 1371 0 0.0384 215849 210301 97.43% 342750.03555125 8.50%
Last 12 Month 193,536 15752 15750 2 0.0528 3404960 3431112 100.77% 3937504.0697473 8.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3234592 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 03:43:57 (UTC) 0.62 250.000000 2,544 1,333 52.40
3234586 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 03:24:16 (UTC) 0.64 250.000052 2,608 204 7.82
3234581 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 03:21:17 (UTC) 0.69 250.000000 2,821 3,497 123.96
3234553 Confirmed mmgb 14/04 02:29:45 (UTC) 0.87 250.000000 3,570 7,197 201.60
3234518 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 00:44:56 (UTC) 0.77 250.000000 3,148 5,235 166.30
3234479 Confirmed anonymous 13/04 23:26:45 (UTC) 0.90 250.000000 3,671 845 23.02
3234474 Confirmed anonymous 13/04 23:14:25 (UTC) 0.93 250.000000 3,818 3,856 101.00
3234460 Confirmed SAEID78 13/04 22:17:56 (UTC) 1.01 250.000000 4,129 8,525 206.47
3234416 Confirmed nhasan 13/04 20:14:43 (UTC) 0.75 250.000068 3,063 6,353 207.41
3234368 Confirmed anonymous 13/04 18:47:55 (UTC) 0.52 250.000000 2,121 3,037 143.19
3234341 Confirmed anonymous 13/04 18:07:55 (UTC) 0.49 250.000001 2,027 2,947 145.39
3234320 Confirmed anonymous 13/04 17:28:43 (UTC) 0.60 250.000105 2,465 2,169 87.99
3234312 Confirmed anonymous 13/04 16:59:34 (UTC) 0.63 250.000000 2,563 6,044 235.82
3234293 Confirmed anonymous 13/04 15:37:36 (UTC) 0.79 250.000000 3,243 11,704 360.90
3234223 Confirmed anonymous 13/04 12:52:04 (UTC) 0.57 250.000000 2,328 795 34.15
3234217 Confirmed anonymous 13/04 12:41:29 (UTC) 0.52 250.000000 2,146 2,547 118.69
3234194 Confirmed anonymous 13/04 12:06:42 (UTC) 0.57 250.000053 2,317 6,608 285.20
3234154 Confirmed anonymous 13/04 10:34:55 (UTC) 0.77 250.000000 3,171 1,429 45.06
3234145 Confirmed anonymous 13/04 10:14:53 (UTC) 0.81 250.000000 3,298 178 5.40
3234143 Confirmed anonymous 13/04 10:12:31 (UTC) 0.84 250.000000 3,429 964 28.11
Totals 58,480 75,467 129.05
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.