Block Shares

Block Shares
3651749 3651751 3651755 3651770 3651800 3651809 3651822 3651845 3651846 3651867 3651868 3651890 3651901 3651909 3651917 3651950 3651962 3651965 3651972 3651976
Expected 255 235 226 201 201 247 279 357 371 387 372 358 331 318 294 261 251 242 215 207
Actual 592 2 87 293 673 163 212 479 25 801 51 564 192 230 133 1009 276 57 135 167
Average 261 251 229 248 279 258 217 259 259 333 279 335 345 339 285 370 376 334 345 281

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,703,751 136157 136114 43 0.2963 165188499 166245363 100.64% 34561238.771144 7.99%
Last Hour 24 1 1 0 0.0504 207 167 80.68% 250.00021797 4.17%
Last 24 Hours 576 13 13 0 0.0744 3963 4119 103.94% 3250.00177616 2.26%
Last 7 Days 4,032 124 124 0 0.0709 35989 31766 88.27% 31000.00520364 3.08%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 554 554 0 0.0633 143743 128705 89.54% 138500.05392459 3.44%
Last 12 Month 193,536 11674 11674 0 0.0445 2126660 2122834 99.82% 2918501.3191601 6.03%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3651976 127 left anonymous 21/01 16:38:53 (UTC) 0.05 250.000218 207 167 80.68
3651972 123 left anonymous 21/01 15:36:11 (UTC) 0.05 250.000000 215 135 62.79
3651965 116 left anonymous 21/01 14:45:06 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 242 57 23.55
3651962 113 left anonymous 21/01 14:23:41 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 251 276 109.96
3651950 101 left anonymous 21/01 12:52:09 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 261 1,009 386.59
3651917 68 left anonymous 21/01 07:42:12 (UTC) 0.07 250.001341 294 133 45.24
3651909 60 left anonymous 21/01 06:51:01 (UTC) 0.08 250.000076 318 230 72.33
3651901 52 left anonymous 21/01 05:25:08 (UTC) 0.08 250.000000 331 192 58.01
3651890 41 left anonymous 21/01 04:09:12 (UTC) 0.09 250.000000 358 564 157.54
3651868 19 left anonymous 21/01 00:53:38 (UTC) 0.09 250.000075 372 51 13.71
3651867 18 left anonymous 21/01 00:36:11 (UTC) 0.09 250.000000 387 801 206.98
3651846 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 19:30:58 (UTC) 0.09 250.000000 371 25 6.74
3651845 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 19:20:40 (UTC) 0.09 250.000067 357 479 134.17
3651822 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 16:07:56 (UTC) 0.07 250.000075 279 212 75.99
3651809 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 14:35:15 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 247 163 65.99
3651800 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 13:25:06 (UTC) 0.05 250.000000 201 673 334.83
3651770 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 08:49:52 (UTC) 0.05 250.000000 201 293 145.77
3651755 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 06:55:46 (UTC) 0.06 250.000075 226 87 38.50
3651751 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 06:22:47 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 235 2 0.85
3651749 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 06:21:33 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 255 592 232.16
Totals 5,608 6,141 109.50
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.