Block Shares

Block Shares
2961267 2961269 2961291 2961303 2961311 2961317 2961365 2961441 2961467 2961505 2961584 2961610 2961698 2961710 2961754 2961804 2961823 2961909 2961971 2961973
Expected 1785 1650 1304 1387 1633 1846 2834 2348 3125 2778 2222 2560 2486 2043 2999 2887 2377 1819 2432 2533
Actual 3123 228 979 579 512 341 3411 5380 2392 2161 7229 1785 6312 1012 2512 3244 1334 6754 3700 218
Average 1615 1556 1631 1603 1638 1190 1389 1576 1699 1911 2321 2477 3010 3054 3254 3544 3336 3474 3604 3410

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,560,817 129291 129248 43 0.3094 163786382 164843017 100.65% 32844737.615824 8.28%
Last Hour 24 4 4 0 0.0249 407 355 87.22% 1000.00005583 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 576 50 50 0 0.0231 4732 5288 111.75% 12500.00052023 8.68%
Last 7 Days 4,032 375 375 0 0.0276 42381 42913 101.26% 93750.028241 9.30%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 1388 1388 0 0.0358 203429 204105 100.33% 347000.07298998 8.61%
Last 12 Month 193,536 16012 16010 2 0.0506 3320035 3346117 100.79% 4002504.1238164 8.27%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2961973 Confirmed anonymous 25/11 04:42:33 (UTC) 0.62 250.000000 2,533 218 8.61
2961971 Confirmed anonymous 25/11 04:36:11 (UTC) 0.59 250.000000 2,432 3,700 152.14
2961909 Confirmed anonymous 25/11 02:44:13 (UTC) 0.44 250.000000 1,819 6,754 371.30
2961823 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 22:48:57 (UTC) 0.58 250.000053 2,377 1,334 56.12
2961804 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 21:58:51 (UTC) 0.70 250.000000 2,887 3,244 112.37
2961754 Confirmed ra4fmb 24/11 19:54:42 (UTC) 0.73 250.000000 2,999 2,512 83.76
2961710 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 18:22:09 (UTC) 0.50 250.000000 2,043 1,012 49.53
2961698 Confirmed eldiablo 24/11 17:43:50 (UTC) 0.61 250.000000 2,486 6,312 253.90
2961610 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 13:48:50 (UTC) 0.63 250.000000 2,560 1,785 69.73
2961584 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 12:45:31 (UTC) 0.54 250.000000 2,222 7,229 325.34
2961505 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 08:35:19 (UTC) 0.68 250.000000 2,778 2,161 77.79
2961467 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 07:18:40 (UTC) 0.76 250.000000 3,125 2,392 76.54
2961441 Confirmed Roky0228 24/11 05:54:56 (UTC) 0.57 250.000131 2,348 5,380 229.13
2961365 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 02:43:15 (UTC) 0.69 250.000000 2,834 3,411 120.36
2961317 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 00:44:06 (UTC) 0.45 250.000000 1,846 341 18.47
2961311 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 00:32:36 (UTC) 0.40 250.000000 1,633 512 31.35
2961303 Confirmed kimhmg 24/11 00:15:17 (UTC) 0.34 250.000000 1,387 579 41.74
2961291 Confirmed anonymous 23/11 23:55:18 (UTC) 0.32 250.000000 1,304 979 75.08
2961269 Confirmed eldiablo 23/11 23:20:38 (UTC) 0.40 250.000000 1,650 228 13.82
2961267 Confirmed anonymous 23/11 23:12:23 (UTC) 0.44 250.000000 1,785 3,123 174.96
Totals 45,048 53,206 118.11
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.