Block Shares

Block Shares
3189969 3189975 3189984 3189989 3189994 3190024 3190032 3190041 3190048 3190063 3190071 3190080 3190083 3190085 3190093 3190105 3190125 3190132 3190140 3190145
Expected 1395 1576 1711 1782 1856 1933 1859 1788 1719 1653 1528 1469 1413 1358 1208 1165 1488 1550 1325 1178
Actual 766 518 1511 771 1255 5025 1983 1567 1285 3633 2150 1466 410 229 675 1576 4402 2267 1777 767
Average 1316 1321 1180 1090 1107 1425 1554 1463 1508 1831 1970 2065 1955 1900 1842 1497 1739 1809 1859 1572

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,554,766 128749 128706 43 0.3106 163721374 164776146 100.64% 32709237.558892 8.28%
Last Hour 24 3 3 0 0.0264 325 220 67.69% 750.00006725 12.50%
Last 24 Hours 576 51 51 0 0.0340 7098 7894 111.21% 12750.00092258 8.85%
Last 7 Days 4,032 375 375 0 0.0376 57701 59037 102.32% 93750.00676358 9.30%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 1327 1327 0 0.0402 218506 215176 98.48% 331750.03126244 8.23%
Last 12 Month 193,536 15738 15736 2 0.0526 3390802 3417291 100.78% 3934004.0708089 8.13%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3190145 Confirmed anonymous 19/01 04:17:21 (UTC) 0.29 250.000000 1,178 767 65.11
3190140 Confirmed dmelo 19/01 04:03:38 (UTC) 0.32 250.000034 1,325 1,777 134.11
3190132 Confirmed z3po 19/01 03:31:18 (UTC) 0.38 250.000034 1,550 2,267 146.26
3190125 Confirmed anonymous 19/01 02:49:36 (UTC) 0.36 250.000238 1,488 4,402 295.83
3190105 Confirmed anonymous 19/01 01:30:44 (UTC) 0.28 250.000000 1,165 1,576 135.28
3190093 Confirmed anonymous 19/01 00:59:55 (UTC) 0.29 250.000000 1,208 675 55.88
3190085 Confirmed anonymous 19/01 00:46:36 (UTC) 0.33 250.000034 1,358 229 16.86
3190083 Confirmed anonymous 19/01 00:42:07 (UTC) 0.34 250.000103 1,413 410 29.02
3190080 Confirmed anonymous 19/01 00:34:00 (UTC) 0.36 250.000117 1,469 1,466 99.80
3190071 Confirmed anonymous 19/01 00:05:22 (UTC) 0.37 250.000000 1,528 2,150 140.71
3190063 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 23:23:15 (UTC) 0.40 250.000000 1,653 3,633 219.78
3190048 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 22:12:53 (UTC) 0.42 250.000000 1,719 1,285 74.75
3190041 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 21:48:43 (UTC) 0.44 250.000136 1,788 1,567 87.64
3190032 Confirmed Tekiratto 18/01 21:19:20 (UTC) 0.45 250.000139 1,859 1,983 106.67
3190024 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 20:42:12 (UTC) 0.47 250.000000 1,933 5,025 259.96
3189994 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 19:09:23 (UTC) 0.45 250.000034 1,856 1,255 67.62
3189989 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 18:47:32 (UTC) 0.44 250.000000 1,782 771 43.27
3189984 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 18:34:24 (UTC) 0.42 250.000000 1,711 1,511 88.31
3189975 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 18:07:22 (UTC) 0.38 250.000000 1,576 518 32.87
3189969 Confirmed kimhmg 18/01 17:58:29 (UTC) 0.34 250.001202 1,395 766 54.91
Totals 30,954 34,033 109.95
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.