Block Shares

Block Shares
3230830 3230836 3230839 3230897 3230912 3230926 3230941 3230964 3230968 3230980 3230981 3230989 3230994 3230997 3231005 3231021 3231038 3231041 3231053 3231065
Expected 2361 2099 2278 2587 2211 2418 2733 3218 3353 3716 3871 4033 3728 3585 3315 3127 2780 2570 2285 2351
Actual 2552 1243 824 9383 2258 1637 1824 4307 438 2724 994 1640 702 403 983 3405 2666 518 1442 1480
Average 3516 3498 2445 3362 3284 3209 2623 2820 2488 2719 2563 2603 2591 1693 1565 1742 1826 1447 1548 1423

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,561,024 129307 129264 43 0.3093 163787779 164844749 100.65% 32848737.615899 8.28%
Last Hour 24 3 3 0 0.0247 304 538 176.97% 750 12.50%
Last 24 Hours 576 49 49 0 0.0216 4339 5211 120.10% 12250.00035784 8.51%
Last 7 Days 4,032 371 371 0 0.0274 41648 42834 102.85% 92750.02809814 9.20%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 1400 1400 0 0.0351 201292 204091 101.39% 350000.07296498 8.68%
Last 12 Month 193,536 16010 16008 2 0.0506 3317223 3343272 100.79% 4002004.1237832 8.27%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3231065 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 00:26:58 (UTC) 0.57 250.000000 2,351 1,480 62.95
3231053 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 00:05:44 (UTC) 0.56 250.000000 2,285 1,442 63.11
3231041 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 23:45:12 (UTC) 0.63 250.000000 2,570 518 20.16
3231038 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 23:37:46 (UTC) 0.68 250.000000 2,780 2,666 95.90
3231021 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 22:59:08 (UTC) 0.76 250.000000 3,127 3,405 108.89
3231005 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 22:09:26 (UTC) 0.81 250.000127 3,315 983 29.65
3230997 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 21:54:36 (UTC) 0.88 250.000154 3,585 403 11.24
3230994 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 21:48:50 (UTC) 0.91 250.000080 3,728 702 18.83
3230989 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 21:38:28 (UTC) 0.98 250.000000 4,033 1,640 40.66
3230981 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 21:15:02 (UTC) 0.95 250.000263 3,871 994 25.68
3230980 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 21:01:01 (UTC) 0.91 250.000000 3,716 2,724 73.30
3230968 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 20:22:00 (UTC) 0.82 250.000000 3,353 438 13.06
3230964 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 20:15:42 (UTC) 0.79 250.014879 3,218 4,307 133.84
3230941 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 19:16:11 (UTC) 0.67 250.000000 2,733 1,824 66.74
3230926 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 18:51:12 (UTC) 0.59 250.000000 2,418 1,637 67.70
3230912 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 18:28:31 (UTC) 0.54 250.000000 2,211 2,258 102.13
3230897 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 17:57:46 (UTC) 0.63 250.000000 2,587 9,383 362.70
3230839 Confirmed yuubari 07/04 15:48:29 (UTC) 0.56 250.000034 2,278 824 36.17
3230836 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 15:37:09 (UTC) 0.51 250.000069 2,099 1,243 59.22
3230830 Confirmed anonymous 07/04 15:19:56 (UTC) 0.58 250.000000 2,361 2,552 108.09
Totals 58,619 41,423 70.66
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.