Block Shares

Block Shares
3234592 3234593 3234626 3234630 3234642 3234652 3234686 3234698 3234707 3234761 3234768 3234798 3234816 3234835 3234845 3234849 3234850 3234854 3234861 3234877
Expected 2544 2650 3673 3827 3986 4325 3462 2846 2964 2452 2887 3547 3153 2592 2215 2404 2504 2830 3199 3924
Actual 1333 258 4187 532 1699 1447 6376 4114 2367 7204 1185 6699 3054 4225 1273 327 6 500 1851 2865
Average 4008 3730 3514 2714 2499 2559 2673 2365 2252 2952 2937 3581 3468 3837 3794 3682 3045 2684 2632 2199

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,552,291 128519 128476 43 0.3111 163686798 164738515 100.64% 32651737.555117 8.28%
Last Hour 24 1 1 0 0.0263 108 370 342.59% 250 4.17%
Last 24 Hours 576 51 51 0 0.0390 8137 8043 98.84% 12750.00076544 8.85%
Last 7 Days 4,032 384 384 0 0.0370 58164 55304 95.08% 96000.00741366 9.52%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 1357 1357 0 0.0386 214795 209507 97.54% 339250.03535831 8.41%
Last 12 Month 193,536 15739 15737 2 0.0528 3405299 3431119 100.76% 3934254.0696906 8.13%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3234877 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 16:17:13 (UTC) 0.96 250.000087 3,924 2,865 73.01
3234861 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 15:33:02 (UTC) 0.78 250.000000 3,199 1,851 57.86
3234854 Confirmed ra4fmb 14/04 15:05:14 (UTC) 0.69 250.000000 2,830 500 17.67
3234850 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 14:57:42 (UTC) 0.61 250.000000 2,504 6 0.24
3234849 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 14:57:36 (UTC) 0.59 250.000000 2,404 327 13.60
3234845 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 14:53:18 (UTC) 0.54 250.000034 2,215 1,273 57.47
3234835 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 14:33:59 (UTC) 0.63 250.000000 2,592 4,225 163.00
3234816 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 13:29:18 (UTC) 0.77 250.000000 3,153 3,054 96.86
3234798 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 12:42:18 (UTC) 0.87 250.000000 3,547 6,699 188.86
3234768 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 11:00:48 (UTC) 0.70 250.000000 2,887 1,185 41.05
3234761 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 10:43:37 (UTC) 0.60 250.002082 2,452 7,204 293.80
3234707 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 08:57:02 (UTC) 0.72 250.000000 2,964 2,367 79.86
3234698 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 08:22:11 (UTC) 0.69 250.000000 2,846 4,114 144.55
3234686 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 07:20:53 (UTC) 0.85 250.000000 3,462 6,376 184.17
3234652 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 05:44:34 (UTC) 1.06 250.000000 4,325 1,447 33.46
3234642 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 05:22:40 (UTC) 0.97 250.000000 3,986 1,699 42.62
3234630 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 04:56:59 (UTC) 0.93 250.000000 3,827 532 13.90
3234626 Confirmed chaple 14/04 04:49:05 (UTC) 0.90 250.000000 3,673 4,187 113.99
3234593 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 03:47:44 (UTC) 0.65 250.000052 2,650 258 9.74
3234592 Confirmed anonymous 14/04 03:43:57 (UTC) 0.62 250.000000 2,544 1,333 52.40
Totals 61,984 51,502 83.09
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.