Block Shares

Block Shares
3319719 3319724 3319737 3319766 3319812 3319817 3319845 3319891 3319926 3319930 3319970 3320026 3320063 3320093 3320108 3320118 3320137 3320152 3320156 3320162
Expected 4359 4191 3875 3323 3334 3083 2635 2550 1898 1825 2636 2509 3349 3634 3231 2987 2656 2868 3112 3242
Actual 2429 805 1342 4116 7816 280 2027 7775 5032 153 4691 6018 4786 3076 2611 1097 1453 1184 1027 271
Average 1356 1295 1411 1793 2564 2444 2642 3344 3679 3178 3404 3925 4269 4165 3645 3727 3669 3010 2610 2621

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,552,474 128549 128506 43 0.3110 163690364 164742085 100.64% 32659237.55531 8.28%
Last Hour 24 2 2 0 0.0464 380 247 65.00% 500 8.33%
Last 24 Hours 576 59 59 0 0.0329 7949 8913 112.13% 14750.00054824 10.24%
Last 7 Days 4,032 398 398 0 0.0364 59343 56187 94.68% 99500.00661937 9.87%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 1364 1364 0 0.0385 215267 210618 97.84% 341000.03515344 8.46%
Last 12 Month 193,536 15757 15755 2 0.0528 3404965 3430818 100.76% 3938754.0697473 8.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3320162 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 00:28:43 (UTC) 0.79 250.000071 3,242 271 8.36
3320156 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 00:23:48 (UTC) 0.76 250.000000 3,112 1,027 33.00
3320152 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 00:05:43 (UTC) 0.70 250.000000 2,868 1,184 41.28
3320137 Confirmed cbinrva 13/09 23:44:42 (UTC) 0.65 250.000000 2,656 1,453 54.71
3320118 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 23:18:25 (UTC) 0.73 250.000380 2,987 1,097 36.73
3320108 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 22:58:47 (UTC) 0.79 250.000000 3,231 2,611 80.81
3320093 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 22:10:57 (UTC) 0.89 250.000014 3,634 3,076 84.65
3320063 Confirmed z3po 13/09 21:16:07 (UTC) 0.82 250.000000 3,349 4,786 142.91
3320026 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 19:47:19 (UTC) 0.61 250.000000 2,509 6,018 239.86
3319970 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 17:52:36 (UTC) 0.64 250.000000 2,636 4,691 177.96
3319930 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 16:26:01 (UTC) 0.45 250.000000 1,825 153 8.38
3319926 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 16:23:11 (UTC) 0.46 250.000000 1,898 5,032 265.12
3319891 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 14:50:21 (UTC) 0.62 250.000000 2,550 7,775 304.90
3319845 Confirmed dprestia 13/09 12:29:46 (UTC) 0.64 250.000000 2,635 2,027 76.93
3319817 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 11:54:53 (UTC) 0.75 250.000002 3,083 280 9.08
3319812 Confirmed MBoss 13/09 11:50:00 (UTC) 0.81 250.000000 3,334 7,816 234.43
3319766 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 09:40:13 (UTC) 0.81 250.001264 3,323 4,116 123.86
3319737 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 08:33:08 (UTC) 0.95 250.000000 3,875 1,342 34.63
3319724 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 08:12:09 (UTC) 1.02 250.000006 4,191 805 19.21
3319719 Confirmed kimhmg 13/09 07:59:25 (UTC) 1.06 250.000189 4,359 2,429 55.72
Totals 61,297 57,989 94.60
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.