Block Shares

Block Shares
3324612 3324616 3324640 3324642 3324679 3324707 3324794 3324826 3324836 3324850 3324855 3324865 3324887 3324888 3324965 3324968 3324972 3325006 3325012 3325027
Expected 2490 2302 2310 2221 1908 2706 3084 2636 2437 2167 2003 2458 2894 3014 3221 3097 2978 2263 2176 1934
Actual 2702 339 7866 297 5847 4614 11585 5077 913 2511 735 1453 2773 125 13120 1820 462 7635 600 3151
Average 2638 2506 3246 3272 3558 2979 3905 3950 3937 4175 3978 4090 3581 3563 4291 4011 2899 3155 3123 3187

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,552,407 128546 128503 43 0.3110 163689798 164741466 100.64% 32658487.55531 8.28%
Last Hour 24 4 4 0 0.0394 646 524 81.11% 1000 16.67%
Last 24 Hours 576 64 64 0 0.0343 8980 9077 101.08% 16000.00074824 11.11%
Last 7 Days 4,032 404 404 0 0.0362 59980 56493 94.19% 101000.0067508 10.02%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 1373 1373 0 0.0385 216243 210903 97.53% 343250.03541887 8.51%
Last 12 Month 193,536 15756 15754 2 0.0528 3405160 3431584 100.78% 3938504.0697473 8.14%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3325027 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 15:05:48 (UTC) 0.47 250.000000 1,934 3,151 162.93
3325012 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 14:27:53 (UTC) 0.53 250.000000 2,176 600 27.57
3325006 Confirmed eldiablo 22/09 14:20:37 (UTC) 0.55 250.000000 2,263 7,635 337.38
3324972 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 12:43:25 (UTC) 0.73 250.000000 2,978 462 15.51
3324968 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 12:36:55 (UTC) 0.76 250.000000 3,097 1,820 58.77
3324965 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 12:11:44 (UTC) 0.79 250.000000 3,221 13,120 407.33
3324888 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 08:42:37 (UTC) 0.74 250.000000 3,014 125 4.15
3324887 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 08:40:25 (UTC) 0.71 250.000000 2,894 2,773 95.82
3324865 Confirmed Tekiratto 22/09 07:53:53 (UTC) 0.60 250.000000 2,458 1,453 59.11
3324855 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 07:30:14 (UTC) 0.49 250.000000 2,003 735 36.69
3324850 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 07:18:12 (UTC) 0.53 250.000000 2,167 2,511 115.87
3324836 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 06:37:52 (UTC) 0.60 250.000000 2,437 913 37.46
3324826 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 06:23:29 (UTC) 0.64 250.000000 2,636 5,077 192.60
3324794 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 05:05:55 (UTC) 0.75 250.000036 3,084 11,585 375.65
3324707 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 02:25:18 (UTC) 0.66 250.000000 2,706 4,614 170.51
3324679 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 01:21:59 (UTC) 0.47 250.000000 1,908 5,847 306.45
3324642 Confirmed anonymous 22/09 00:00:00 (UTC) 0.54 250.000000 2,221 297 13.37
3324640 Confirmed anonymous 21/09 23:55:54 (UTC) 0.56 250.000000 2,310 7,866 340.52
3324616 Confirmed anonymous 21/09 22:16:59 (UTC) 0.56 250.000000 2,302 339 14.73
3324612 Confirmed anonymous 21/09 22:12:42 (UTC) 0.61 250.000071 2,490 2,702 108.51
Totals 50,299 73,625 146.37
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.