Block Shares

Block Shares
3419992 3420002 3420004 3420008 3420020 3420023 3420048 3420049 3420069 3420086 3420098 3420115 3420167 3420217 3420252 3420300 3420320 3420340 3420354 3420361
Expected 1671 1740 1813 1889 2135 2316 2959 3082 3211 3087 2855 2538 2668 3287 2810 1975 2325 2628 2970 3497
Actual 2638 1831 276 215 1587 500 2947 163 5681 4175 3465 2250 7735 4921 5931 4310 1777 1549 1865 1638
Average 1300 1219 1223 1110 1220 910 1085 1037 1604 2001 2084 2126 2872 3342 3777 4158 4041 4179 3798 3544

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,552,149 128506 128463 43 0.3111 163685341 164736457 100.64% 32648487.555004 8.28%
Last Hour 24 1 1 0 0.0345 141 183 129.79% 250 4.17%
Last 24 Hours 576 52 52 0 0.0418 8894 7845 88.21% 13000.0007083 9.03%
Last 7 Days 4,032 385 385 0 0.0371 58535 54638 93.34% 96250.00762746 9.55%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 1362 1362 0 0.0387 215842 209594 97.11% 340500.03555103 8.44%
Last 12 Month 193,536 15736 15734 2 0.0529 3407342 3432187 100.73% 3933504.0697124 8.13%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3420361 Confirmed anonymous 17/05 21:01:00 (UTC) 0.85 250.000052 3,497 1,638 46.84
3420354 Confirmed anonymous 17/05 19:59:47 (UTC) 0.73 250.000000 2,970 1,865 62.79
3420340 Confirmed anonymous 17/05 18:49:22 (UTC) 0.64 250.000000 2,628 1,549 58.94
3420320 Confirmed anonymous 17/05 17:51:41 (UTC) 0.57 250.000046 2,325 1,777 76.43
3420300 Confirmed anonymous 17/05 16:45:51 (UTC) 0.48 250.000000 1,975 4,310 218.23
3420252 Confirmed kimhmg 17/05 14:04:59 (UTC) 0.69 250.000034 2,810 5,931 211.07
3420217 Confirmed anonymous 17/05 10:22:33 (UTC) 0.80 250.000000 3,287 4,921 149.71
3420167 Confirmed kimhmg 17/05 07:18:31 (UTC) 0.65 250.000118 2,668 7,735 289.92
3420115 Confirmed anonymous 17/05 02:20:13 (UTC) 0.62 250.000052 2,538 2,250 88.65
3420098 Confirmed kimhmg 17/05 00:52:31 (UTC) 0.70 250.000000 2,855 3,465 121.37
3420086 Confirmed anonymous 16/05 22:39:24 (UTC) 0.75 250.000000 3,087 4,175 135.24
3420069 Confirmed anonymous 16/05 19:59:00 (UTC) 0.78 250.000000 3,211 5,681 176.92
3420049 Confirmed kimhmg 16/05 16:18:45 (UTC) 0.75 250.000046 3,082 163 5.29
3420048 Confirmed anonymous 16/05 16:12:34 (UTC) 0.72 250.000000 2,959 2,947 99.59
3420023 Confirmed anonymous 16/05 14:19:21 (UTC) 0.57 250.000122 2,316 500 21.59
3420020 Confirmed anonymous 16/05 14:00:01 (UTC) 0.52 250.000000 2,135 1,587 74.33
3420008 Confirmed anonymous 16/05 12:59:10 (UTC) 0.46 250.000000 1,889 215 11.38
3420004 Confirmed anonymous 16/05 12:51:07 (UTC) 0.44 250.000000 1,813 276 15.22
3420002 Confirmed anonymous 16/05 12:40:35 (UTC) 0.42 250.000000 1,740 1,831 105.23
3419992 Confirmed anonymous 16/05 11:31:23 (UTC) 0.41 250.000000 1,671 2,638 157.87
Totals 51,456 55,454 107.77
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.