Block Shares

Block Shares
3636640 3636673 3636675 3636684 3636685 3636715 3636724 3636753 3636756 3636772 3636786 3636791 3636800 3636830 3636862 3636868 3636877 3636879 3636882 3636885
Expected 323 289 278 257 247 202 233 286 297 323 349 336 323 265 214 222 262 273 284 296
Actual 208 1004 171 440 97 673 140 458 107 243 429 43 211 974 557 47 434 157 62 103
Average 423 425 403 394 403 451 452 443 451 354 376 280 284 338 384 321 350 320 316 302

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,647,552 133961 133918 43 0.2999 164511323 165591184 100.66% 34012238.47648 8.13%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 13 13 0 0.1315 7000 4341 62.01% 3250.00049219 2.26%
Last 7 Days 4,032 86 86 0 0.0858 30207 30955 102.48% 21500.00295359 2.13%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 345 345 0 0.0851 120202 127127 105.76% 86250.01303813 2.14%
Last 12 Month 193,536 14590 14589 1 0.0377 2254149 2280472 101.17% 3647253.0597046 7.54%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3636885 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 15:30:30 (UTC) 0.07 250.000075 296 103 34.80
3636882 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 15:01:45 (UTC) 0.07 250.000000 284 62 21.83
3636879 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 14:45:05 (UTC) 0.07 250.000000 273 157 57.51
3636877 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 14:02:20 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 262 434 165.65
3636868 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 12:04:18 (UTC) 0.05 250.000000 222 47 21.17
3636862 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 11:51:03 (UTC) 0.05 250.000076 214 557 260.28
3636830 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 09:21:41 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 265 974 367.55
3636800 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 03:52:06 (UTC) 0.08 250.000000 323 211 65.33
3636791 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 02:31:40 (UTC) 0.08 250.000000 336 43 12.80
3636786 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 02:14:47 (UTC) 0.09 250.000000 349 429 122.92
3636772 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 23:14:39 (UTC) 0.08 250.000000 323 243 75.23
3636756 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 21:31:41 (UTC) 0.07 250.000152 297 107 36.03
3636753 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 20:48:06 (UTC) 0.07 250.000076 286 458 160.14
3636724 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 17:32:03 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 233 140 60.09
3636715 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 16:30:01 (UTC) 0.05 250.000000 202 673 333.17
3636685 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 12:50:14 (UTC) 0.06 250.000151 247 97 39.27
3636684 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 12:21:46 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 257 440 171.21
3636675 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 10:17:02 (UTC) 0.07 250.000076 278 171 61.51
3636673 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 09:28:04 (UTC) 0.07 250.000076 289 1,004 347.40
3636640 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 04:20:04 (UTC) 0.08 250.000000 323 208 64.40
Totals 5,559 6,558 117.97
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.