Block Shares

Block Shares
3650254 3650255 3650257 3650267 3650270 3650277 3650279 3650287 3650291 3650293 3650298 3650303 3650311 3650317 3650318 3650320 3650327 3650328 3650331 3650334
Expected 197 205 214 223 232 242 252 259 250 240 231 213 230 223 214 223 252 263 274 285
Actual 309 87 87 496 95 368 267 534 177 34 137 282 483 350 13 8 265 22 101 60
Average 132 124 127 163 153 181 204 252 257 245 228 248 287 273 265 229 228 177 170 172

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,703,788 136159 136116 43 0.2963 165188904 166245616 100.64% 34561738.771144 7.99%
Last Hour 24 2 2 0 0.0495 406 253 62.32% 500 8.33%
Last 24 Hours 576 15 15 0 0.0711 4369 4372 100.07% 3750.00177616 2.60%
Last 7 Days 4,032 125 125 0 0.0703 36015 31399 87.18% 31250.00520364 3.10%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 556 556 0 0.0633 144149 128958 89.46% 139000.05392459 3.45%
Last 12 Month 193,536 11674 11674 0 0.0445 2126770 2122759 99.81% 2918501.3191601 6.03%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3650334 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 16:55:03 (UTC) 0.07 250.000000 285 60 21.05
3650331 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 16:41:44 (UTC) 0.07 250.000000 274 101 36.86
3650328 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 16:21:53 (UTC) 0.06 250.000076 263 22 8.37
3650327 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 16:17:42 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 252 265 105.16
3650320 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 15:19:12 (UTC) 0.05 250.000000 223 8 3.59
3650318 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 15:17:11 (UTC) 0.05 250.000086 214 13 6.07
3650317 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 15:13:59 (UTC) 0.05 250.000000 223 350 156.95
3650311 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 13:55:48 (UTC) 0.06 250.000075 230 483 210.00
3650303 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 12:04:34 (UTC) 0.05 250.000000 213 282 132.39
3650298 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 11:01:12 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 231 137 59.31
3650293 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 10:30:57 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 240 34 14.17
3650291 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 10:23:21 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 250 177 70.80
3650287 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 09:45:47 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 259 534 206.18
3650279 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 07:55:36 (UTC) 0.06 250.000056 252 267 105.95
3650277 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 07:00:59 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 242 368 152.07
3650270 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 05:45:42 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 232 95 40.95
3650267 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 05:25:30 (UTC) 0.05 250.000000 223 496 222.42
3650257 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 03:37:42 (UTC) 0.05 250.000249 214 87 40.65
3650255 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 03:19:13 (UTC) 0.05 250.000056 205 87 42.44
3650254 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 02:59:59 (UTC) 0.05 250.000323 197 309 156.85
Totals 4,722 4,175 88.42
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.