Block Shares

Block Shares
3650437 3650456 3650470 3650477 3650479 3650481 3650482 3650486 3650489 3650495 3650502 3650521 3650555 3650560 3650562 3650567 3650576 3650581 3650584 3650588
Expected 383 354 327 291 298 310 323 337 351 366 381 397 339 326 313 301 290 279 268 258
Actual 62 765 439 140 32 117 47 306 135 506 420 446 946 546 207 54 293 50 77 225
Average 358 426 446 442 304 281 215 213 211 255 291 259 310 350 368 361 386 360 355 326

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,703,806 136159 136116 43 0.2963 165188904 166245616 100.64% 34561738.771144 7.99%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 13 13 0 0.0684 3641 3868 106.23% 3250.00170946 2.26%
Last 7 Days 4,032 124 124 0 0.0702 35650 31276 87.73% 31000.00512918 3.08%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 555 555 0 0.0632 143680 128177 89.21% 138750.05392459 3.44%
Last 12 Month 193,536 11670 11670 0 0.0445 2126177 2122269 99.82% 2917501.3191042 6.03%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3650588 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 13:01:01 (UTC) 0.06 250.000000 258 225 87.21
3650584 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:05:15 (UTC) 0.07 250.000000 268 77 28.73
3650581 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 11:47:42 (UTC) 0.07 250.000000 279 50 17.92
3650576 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 11:35:44 (UTC) 0.07 250.000000 290 293 101.03
3650567 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:28:03 (UTC) 0.07 250.000000 301 54 17.94
3650562 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:14:23 (UTC) 0.08 250.000100 313 207 66.13
3650560 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:22:13 (UTC) 0.08 250.000076 326 546 167.48
3650555 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 06:54:00 (UTC) 0.08 250.000000 339 946 279.06
3650521 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 02:23:47 (UTC) 0.10 250.000000 397 446 112.34
3650502 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 00:19:35 (UTC) 0.09 250.000076 381 420 110.24
3650495 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 22:20:47 (UTC) 0.09 250.000251 366 506 138.25
3650489 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 20:11:27 (UTC) 0.09 250.000000 351 135 38.46
3650486 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 19:35:36 (UTC) 0.08 250.000211 337 306 90.80
3650482 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 18:17:56 (UTC) 0.08 250.000000 323 47 14.55
3650481 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 18:05:06 (UTC) 0.08 250.000087 310 117 37.74
3650479 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 17:32:18 (UTC) 0.07 250.000000 298 32 10.74
3650477 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 17:23:43 (UTC) 0.07 250.000000 291 140 48.11
3650470 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 16:47:25 (UTC) 0.08 250.000000 327 439 134.25
3650456 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 14:50:35 (UTC) 0.09 250.000000 354 765 216.10
3650437 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 11:28:41 (UTC) 0.09 250.000000 383 62 16.19
Totals 6,492 5,813 89.54
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.