Block Shares

Block Shares
3653611 3653634 3653635 3653650 3653652 3653676 3653728 3653758 3653763 3653790 3653797 3653807 3653810 3653818 3653822 3653823 3653834 3653850 3653856 3653886
Expected 417 472 492 579 603 654 517 478 460 442 425 393 378 336 311 324 366 431 448 529
Actual 4 717 17 324 19 1053 1697 1065 167 614 107 237 71 523 156 6 293 545 112 677
Average 308 365 349 360 278 382 471 531 520 568 578 530 535 555 569 464 324 272 266 273

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,715,396 136404 136361 43 0.2959 165287167 166342006 100.64% 34622988.82937 7.95%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 12 12 0 0.0789 3876 4955 127.84% 3000.00821758 2.08%
Last 7 Days 4,032 87 87 0 0.0951 33878 34657 102.30% 21750.00986286 2.16%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 387 387 0 0.0874 138504 133906 96.68% 96750.06389792 2.40%
Last 12 Month 193,536 10719 10719 0 0.0466 2045898 2047250 100.07% 2679751.3655 5.54%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3653886 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 08:19:09 (UTC) 0.13 250.000075 529 677 127.98
3653856 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 04:58:37 (UTC) 0.11 250.000075 448 112 25.00
3653850 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 04:25:27 (UTC) 0.11 250.000000 431 545 126.45
3653834 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 01:39:59 (UTC) 0.09 250.000000 366 293 80.05
3653823 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 00:07:22 (UTC) 0.08 250.000000 324 6 1.85
3653822 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 00:05:13 (UTC) 0.08 250.000076 311 156 50.16
3653818 Confirmed anonymous 02/02 23:14:27 (UTC) 0.08 250.000100 336 523 155.65
3653810 Confirmed anonymous 02/02 20:33:43 (UTC) 0.09 250.000087 378 71 18.78
3653807 Confirmed anonymous 02/02 20:10:02 (UTC) 0.10 250.000057 393 237 60.31
3653797 Confirmed smrep-s 02/02 18:51:48 (UTC) 0.10 250.000000 425 107 25.18
3653790 Confirmed anonymous 02/02 18:18:02 (UTC) 0.11 250.000000 442 614 138.91
3653763 Confirmed anonymous 02/02 14:38:51 (UTC) 0.11 250.000000 460 167 36.30
3653758 Confirmed anonymous 02/02 13:42:59 (UTC) 0.12 250.000075 478 1,065 222.80
3653728 Confirmed anonymous 02/02 08:48:51 (UTC) 0.13 250.000076 517 1,697 328.24
3653676 Confirmed anonymous 02/02 00:17:26 (UTC) 0.16 250.000000 654 1,053 161.01
3653652 Confirmed anonymous 01/02 18:49:20 (UTC) 0.15 250.000000 603 19 3.15
3653650 Confirmed anonymous 01/02 18:43:24 (UTC) 0.14 250.000000 579 324 55.96
3653635 Confirmed anonymous 01/02 17:05:19 (UTC) 0.12 250.000000 492 17 3.46
3653634 Confirmed anonymous 01/02 16:59:50 (UTC) 0.12 250.000000 472 717 151.91
3653611 Confirmed anonymous 01/02 12:55:34 (UTC) 0.10 250.000000 417 4 0.96
Totals 9,055 8,404 92.81
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.